Monday, November 14, 2011


Woot, a new post!  Can I just say that this is the last full week I have to work?  And it's going to be awesome :)  Then I get to go home to WNY which will also be awesome and see many people I haven't seen in a very long time.

I finished 2 new items for my etsy shop.  Trying out some new, quicker ideas b/c I'd like to do a craft show in the spring and I would need a LOT more stuff to make it worth while.

This one is a sweater.  Mocha looks so good in it

I'm going to call this next one "festive." I would never have Mocha wear it but I'm sure someone out there wants Christmas colors.

Plus, we sold our Christmas tree sweater this weekend.  Averaging one sale a week is pretty good, I think :)  Totally inspired (by mocha...) hehe

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